Individual’s Solutions

This is Terry Kozlowski and in my years of working with individuals in a career crisis of one type or another, I discovered that the people who made the fastest progress and were happiest with their new career or life path were those who had taken the time to really understand themselves BEFORE they jumped into action or took the first job they were offered.

But it’s not always easy to take the time to figure out what makes us really happy and what’s truly important to us. So many people want to skip that step when they’re in a time of transition or change. Even if they’re willing o take the time, they lack a systematic way to go about figuring who they are and what they want for themselves.

That’s why I was so delighted to discover CareerStorm Navigator, from Finland, of all places!

Since you may not know anything about it or how it can help you, let me first share that CareerStorm Navigator, an online tool to support career/life self-reflection that provides you with a map and compass for your own career, has an impressive track record

  • Recommended by the world’s best selling career book, What Color is Your Parachute?
  • Used by over 200,000 users from over 80 countries
  • Currently administered by career professionals in 23 countries across 17 hours of time zones
  • Licensed to in 15 countries in 9 languages 2000-2003

CareerStorm Navigator starts from the premise that individuals actively participate in constructing their own reality. Each individual’s unique strengths and resources can successfully be applied in many different ways. It is up to the individual to decide which of their many resources they want to focus on at any given time and how.

CareerStorm Navigator is a comprehensive career and life design system beginning with where you are today, where you want to go and what resources you already have that will help you reach your goals.

The benefits of this inward exploration, based on thousands of replies include:

  • Increases your self-confidence and positive energy
  • Encourages you to build your career on what you do best
  • Provides an excellent overview of your resources
  • Clarifies your next step
  • Gives boost of energy to take focused action
  • Gain overview of what you have to offer
  • Develop vocabulary to use in discussions/interviews
  • Learn a process for self-reflection that will help you for the rest of your life

Click the link below for one page of information on the 7 tools included in CareerStorm Navigator.

Click here to open in a new window or right click here and choose “save as” to save it to your hard drive. (Requires Adobe Reader.)

Please note that these 7 tools do NOT offer you suggestions about suitable occupations or an analysis of your personality.

If you’re tired of taking “tests that tell ” you what box you fit in

If you’d rather “explore and engage” in a group setting or one-on-one with an experienced career mentor, then click here to order your online access and consultation.

Here’s what other people had to say about their experience with CareerStorm Navigator:

“Wow! I’m not even half done and I have learned a lot about myself and where I am headed.”

“This tool is awesome! It really expands your mind.”

“It was very well organized; it made me think in different ways. I liked it because I was an active participant instead of feeding in some information and getting some impersonal, generalized information back.”

“Makes you realize more of your positives!”

“What an experience!! I discovered things about myself that really surprised me!! I can’t believe after all this time, I had been traveling down the wrong path! Thanks for a wonderful exercise – it really helped a lot!”

“I found the examples particularly ‘relaxing’, as they demystify a process that may seem daunting to someone just exploring the site. Good work! Fantastic! It really helps when you put something down and read it back to yourself. Now I’m excited about the rest.”


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